Friday, 16 May 2014

Discussion - Ender’s Game

Week 6
 After the book reading session:
1.      Do you like this book? Why or why not?
Ø  I like the first start of the story, but I don’t like the ending of it. This because the story stop when Ender win in the commander of the Third Invasion game and we doesn’t know how the battle ship respond to Ender command. The stories also do not tell us how or what will happen next, after destroy the bugger’s planet.

2.      What rating would you give for this book?
Ø  We consider giving this book with 3 star or average.

3.      What spoilers would ruin this book if you told your readers about it?
Ø  The spoilers are when we tell to the readers about what happen in the end of the story. For example, while he play the commander of the Third Invasion. Playing these games is debilitating to Ender's health. He cannot sleep, he barely eats, and he is forced to be a leader and not a friend to those whom he cares for. Ender destroys the buggers because he wants the games to end, and he is successful, but if he had ever known that it was not a game he never would have participated. In the end it is not very clear how to separate a game from reality, for the playing of a game can have a profound impact on a life, and sometimes the game itself is reality.

4.      All books teach a lesson (theme or moral). What did you learn from this story?
Ø  Games - At Battle School, Ender faces two different types of games. On his computer he plays the mind game and in the battle room Ender plays war games. Finally we come to the greatest games that Ender plays, while he is the commander of the Third Invasion.
Ø  Don’t give up
Ø  Think the other way to win / think differently

5.      If you were the author of the book, how would you end the story differently?
Ø  Maybe the strategy technic can be used for defends and not attack to the bugger planet.
Ø  As we know, the last stories tell us that the Buggers are not totally extinct. On one hand, this gives Ender a second chance to make something right that wasn’t totally his fault in the first place. In here’s Ender’s have a chance to undo that extinction he caused. Also, now that the buggers are talking to Ender, we can finally see things through their eyes too. And remember, according to Graff, the whole war might have been caused by the inability to communicate. Here we have communication, which equals no war. So we can continue the story, where human and buggers try to understand each other.

6.      What title would you give for your review?
Ø  Galactic war

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